Sunnvyille Volume 1 Progress Report

Just a reminder to everyone: I am still working on the first trade paperback of my work, Sunnyville Stories Volume 1. The book is on schedule and will be sent to the printers no later than June 10. In fact, with all going well, I may even be able to send it there next weekend!

Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 Book Cover

Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 Book Cover

That’s the cover for my book.

That was a modified version of the painting that I did, the Journey Begins. (A full rundown on how I concocted this cover will be done in a future post.) For inspiration, I drew upon the simple yet effective covers of the Cerebus trade paperbacks by Dave Sim. The use of black, white, and gray here along with one other color (primary blue in this case) works well.

At the time of this writing, all I need to do is to rework and touch up the digital files for the first episode of Sunnyville. I have to make higher quality TIFF files. I’m also going to be applying for an ISBN number and barcode which will allow for the selling of the book to libraries, bookstores, and Amazon.

Most of the changes so far I’ve done to the individual stories have been cosmetic like cleaning up some errors. However, I did make a glaring change with one of the pages.

Original episode 1 panel

Take this panel here. This is from page 11 and has Rusty making a rather off-color remark. Some of the people viewing this panel complained that this would probably get somebody offended. I worried about it too and decided to change it.

Revised Episode 1 panel

That change was done in Photoshop. It took me awhile to think of something else Rusty could say – something that was off-color, but not too offensive that it might anger people out there into action.

Well, everything is proceeding on schedule so my book will be out this summer on time. Stay tuned to the blog as well as to my Twitter account and the Sunnyville Facebook page for real-time updates. Subscribe via email or RSS feed if you haven’t already. Your input is also appreciated. What’s your opinion? We’d like to know.

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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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