Preparing for Anthrocon 2013

Sorry about this blog post being late.

First, I need to announce that work on Sunnyville Stories episode 9 will be suspended until AFTER Anthrocon 2013.  I’ve done this before with other installments of Sunnyville just before Anthrocon.  I have to prepare for the event so it’s tricky to fight a war on two fronts.  I cannot work on a tricky story while preparing for a big event at the same time.  As I explained before, this story involves the Tanuki family and focuses more on them than Rusty and Sam so I’m finding it a challenge to do.

Anyway, I’m getting ready for Anthrocon which is going to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from July 4 to July 7.

I’ll have another post up on Saturday explaining my plans for the event, what I’ll be doing, and what I hope to achieve.  Stay tuned!

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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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