Submitting to the 2014 Ignatz Awards

I have a special announcement to make. Every year, the Small Press Expo holds the Ignatz Awards.

Named after Ignatz Mouse from George Herriman’s famous comic strip, Krazy Kat, this award honors outstanding achievements in the field of comics and challenges the notion of what comics can achieve, both as an artform and a means of personal expression.

Last year, I submitted Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 to the 2013 Ignatz Awards. It failed.

This doesn’t surprise me. The Ignatz Awards receives hundreds (maybe thousands) of submissions yearly. Many send in their comic books, graphic novels, minicomics, and zines. Out of those hundreds of submissions, only a handful are chosen to be nominated. So simply getting a nomination is next to impossible.

My plan is to submit copies of both Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter to the review committee of the Ignatz Awards. Why would I do this when my chances of even being nominated are nearly zero?

Simply being nominated for one of those awards will give me a boost in credibility. If I were to win, that really would do wonders for me.

Tomorrow, copies of both my books will be sent in to the award committee. Included will be the good reviews I’ve gotten, especially from the Midwest Book Review.

Wish me luck, everyone. My chances are slim, but I have to try.

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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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