Forbidden Planet

Today, I have added a new goal to my list for the year 2015.  As some of you know, I’m originally from New York City.  One of the more notable shops in the New York area for comic books, graphic novels and other neat merchandise is Forbidden Planet.  I visited the shop sometimes when I still lived in New York.  When I visited during my visits from North Carolina, I also stopped there.

Forbidden Planet carries a lot of work from the mainstream publishers (DC and Marvel).  They also carry a number of independent titles such as Jeff Smith’s Bone, Mouseguard, Cerebus the Aardvark and even reMIND by Jason Brubaker.  But there was something missing from amongst those aforementioned titles and many others.  Can you guess what that was?  

Sunnyville Stories.

Yes, Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 and Volume 2 (along with my work of Southern Gothic – Von Herling, Vampire Hunter) is NOT among the small press titles sold by Forbidden Planet of New York City.

I find this to be a travesty.  Of course, it’s not like I haven’t tried.  Twice, I’ve approached Forbidden Planet about stocking Sunnyville Stories.  Both times, they said “no” and I gave up from there.   Obviously making a feeble attempt or two and then throwing in the towel is NOT the way to go here.

From a business viewpoint, I can understand why Forbidden Planet rebuked both me and my work.  I am still unknown and Sunnyville Stories is the same way too.  However, that will change.  From this point on, I plan to break out the heavy artillery.  Throughout 2015, Forbidden Planet will receive promotional mailings for Sunnyville Stories each and every month.  I will start with promotional postcards, the first of which will be mailed out first thing on Monday morning.  In addition to those postcards being sent each month, I will send them a sales letter along with the positive reviews Sunnyville has received.

This won’t be an easy task and along with my other goals for 2015, I may very well fail.  However, just doing nothing is not going to sell my work.  My marketing campaign is going to launch right now and I will do everything I can to get Forbidden Planet to sell my work.

Anyone in the New York City metropolitan area who is interested can help me out.  Tell Forbidden Planet you WANT Sunnyville Stories!

Forbidden Planet, 832 Broadway, New York NY 10003

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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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