Work continues on Sunnyville Stories #13. Right now, some inks are drying.
Speaking of Sunnyville #13, two new pages are up now on DeviantArt – page 11 and page 12.
Moving on, I’ve had some good luck this weekend. Speaking of DeviantArt, a fan of my work made such status known to me and not only bought a copy of Sunnyville Stories Volume 1; he also bought copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter!
On top of that, I’ve made more sales because of the New York Comic Con. As of this posting, New York Comic Con 2015 is in its final day. I made it a point to use Twitter to advertise all my work, both print and digital format, to the attendees using the Twitter hashtag #NYCC2015. It has worked thanks to my evangelists on Twitter spreading the word for me. How do I know this? Copies of Sunnyville volume 2 and Von Herling have decreased in number in terms of stock on Amazon! Friday night saw 11 copies of my graphic novel Von Herling, Vampire Hunter available on Amazon via third party sellers. As of today Sunday, there are only 8 copies left!
I should remind you that all three of my books are still in print and anyone interested can still purchase them direct from the publisher Different Mousetrap Press LLC. I’m currently working on getting more copies back up for sale on Amazon as well as alerting my distributor to restock more copies.
On top of that, I’ve been sending out advance copies to the trade journals and the press of Sunnyville volume 3. There’s some press kits there on the right and on the left, you can see a package that has been mailed to the School Library Journal. And that manila envelope you see on top? That’s a special gift I mailed off to that fan I mentioned before to say thanks for being such a great customer.
Work will continue today on the comics and into this week. Plus, I will be stopping by ValleyCon next week here in Fargo so watch the blog for news on that!