Category Archives: Macgregors

Rusty Meets Eddie and Rachel

I have some other pages to share today.  Let’s jump ahead in Sunnyville Stories #11.  Rusty is going to meet Sam’s cousins right now.   Eddie Macgregor is the bookish type, as if you couldn’t tell by his glasses.  

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 9-10 pencils

Before I kick this post off, I’d just like to announce that the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories has been finished.  Yes, the inking has been COMPLETED!  All that’s left is the cover and digital formatting for the printers.  I’m … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 5-6 pencils

I’ve got more pencilled pages for the fourth episode of Sunnyville to share with all of you this week.  Just as a reminder, I will be appearing at I-Con on the weekend of April 15th-17th.  I’ll have a schedule up … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4 pencils, pages 1-2

I’m hard at working inking the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories at the time of this blog post.  Between that, keeping this blog updated with good content, and working on my professional career, this is quite a challenge for me.  … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 23-24

Welcome back!  I’ve got two more pages to Sunnyville Stories episode to share with you this week. These pages involve Rusty learning about the layout of the local town and its amenities…or lack thereof. This was based on some of … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, page 21-22

Welcome back.  And greetings from San Jose!  As this post is going live, I’m over in San Jose, California.  I’m taking part in Further Confusion 2011.  If you’re there, be sure to check out my work in the art show! … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, page 19-20

Welcome back, my friends.  I have some more pages from Sunnyville Stories episode 1 “Beginnings” up.  When we last left Rusty, he had met Sam Macgregor, a local girl and she took him home to have lunch and meet her … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 17-18

It’s now 2011 – that means out with the old…AND IN WITH THE NEW!!!! May this year be a productive one for me.  It’s a whole new year and I intend to make this blog and its associated work, Sunnyville … Continue reading

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