Tag Archives: sunnyville

Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 9-10 pencils

Before I kick this post off, I’d just like to announce that the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories has been finished.  Yes, the inking has been COMPLETED!  All that’s left is the cover and digital formatting for the printers.  I’m … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4 pencils, pages 1-2

I’m hard at working inking the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories at the time of this blog post.  Between that, keeping this blog updated with good content, and working on my professional career, this is quite a challenge for me.  … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: Pencilling Comics

I’m certain you’ve all got your scripts written and you’ve sketched out thumbnails.  Now comes the part where you actually draw your comics.  This stage is called “pencilling” and it’s self-explanatory.  Essentially, you draw your comics in pencil on your … Continue reading

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More Neat Comics to Check Out!

This is a very special blog entry.  I’m not here to talk about myself today or my work.  In fact, I’d like to tell you about the works of some other talented people out there.  I’ve been networking in order … Continue reading

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Origins of Sunnyville – Part 1

My blog’s over a month old and I, Max West, have shared many things with you, readers.  I’ve told you about my small press comics, some of the characters in Sunnyville Stories, shown you some of the art, and displayed … Continue reading

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Welcome to Sunnyville Stories!

Greetings, friends.  My name is Max West and I am the creator of Sunnyville Stories.  What is Sunnyville Stories, you ask?  It’s an independent comics series starring anthropomorphic animals living in a small utopian village.  I guess if you’re looking … Continue reading

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