Category Archives: Sunnyville

Beginning of Sunnyville Part 4

Greetings from the Small Press Expo!  I’ll have a full write-up on that event next time.  Now for the final part of how Sunnyville Stories came to be. Sunnyville was inspired by Maple Town and by my personal experiences moving … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 29-30

Hello, everyone.  Welcome back for more free pages of Sunnyville Stories episode 1 “Beginnings”.  We’re getting close to the end of the second episode.  In fact, after this week, next Saturday will mark the final two pages of the 32 … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 25-26

Welcome back friends to the official Sunnyville blog.  I have some more comics pages up this week.  It seems that Rusty is now going to get an official Sunnyville welcome thanks to Sam and her family! The mayor of Sunnyville, … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, page 21-22

Welcome back.  And greetings from San Jose!  As this post is going live, I’m over in San Jose, California.  I’m taking part in Further Confusion 2011.  If you’re there, be sure to check out my work in the art show! … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 1-2

Hello from the Constitution State!  This week, I’m up in Connecticut to attend a fun event called Furfright.  Also, I’ll be at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival on Saturday, December 4, 2010 so if anyone’s stopping by, look for … Continue reading

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Origins of Sunnyville – Part 2

Last week, I discussed one of the two sources of inspiration for Sunnyville.  One of them was my move down to the south.  The other one came from the Land of the Rising Sun – Japan!  Yes, I was inspired … Continue reading

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Origins of Sunnyville – Part 1

My blog’s over a month old and I, Max West, have shared many things with you, readers.  I’ve told you about my small press comics, some of the characters in Sunnyville Stories, shown you some of the art, and displayed … Continue reading

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