Tag Archives: sunnyville stories episode 1

Sunnyville Stories Episode 1 Remastered Kickstarter!

And now I’d like to talk with you about my next plan. As you know, I’ve been planning to completely redraw Sunnyville Stories #1 but haven’t had much time to do so. To help make this comic a reality, that … Continue reading

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Redrawing of Sunnyville Episode 1 Starting!

Hello, Sunnyville fans! It’s been awhile. Now that the Kickstarter for my second picture book has ended, it is time to move onto other things. One of the big items on my to-do list (besides the planned Kickstarter for Poison … Continue reading

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Update: Plans for 2022 and 2023

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated. But I do have some news to share today, Sunnyville fans. As you know right now, I’ve haven’t had time to work on Sunnyville Stories lately. All my energy is going into my next … Continue reading

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Redrawing Sunnyville Stories Number 1

Now that my taxes have been taken care of, I can advance my plan to redraw the first Sunnyville Stories comic. Here is my plan. The focus will be on completely redrawing the story with my stronger drawing skills as … Continue reading

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First Sunnyville Stories Comic To Be Redrawn

And now it is time for the announcement I wanted to make in regards to the planned Sunnyville reprint and following up on where I left off yesterday. I have decided that the very first episode of Sunnyville Stories, titled … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1 Cover

Today, I’d like to show you something that came about as an accident. As you may know, the very first episode of Sunnyville Stories was never originally published in single issue print form. It’s free to read here on my … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 31-32

Welcome back, my friends.  It’s Max West here and we’ve finally gotten to the final pages of the very first episode of Sunnyville Stories.  Rusty started off our story feeling down – he had left his old home and everything … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 29-30

Hello, everyone.  Welcome back for more free pages of Sunnyville Stories episode 1 “Beginnings”.  We’re getting close to the end of the second episode.  In fact, after this week, next Saturday will mark the final two pages of the 32 … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 27-28

Wow…we’re getting to the end of the first episode already.  I hope all of you loyal readers have been enjoying the story so far.  If you’ve missed pages…then that’s not a problem.  You can go back and read them if … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 25-26

Welcome back friends to the official Sunnyville blog.  I have some more comics pages up this week.  It seems that Rusty is now going to get an official Sunnyville welcome thanks to Sam and her family! The mayor of Sunnyville, … Continue reading

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