Tag Archives: Eftirmatur family

Sunnyville No. 12 Rough Pages

I have some rough pages of Sunnyville Stories #12 to share today.  Let’s take a look, shall we? These are the rough inked lines for the first page.  

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 29-30

Hello, everyone.  Welcome back for more free pages of Sunnyville Stories episode 1 “Beginnings”.  We’re getting close to the end of the second episode.  In fact, after this week, next Saturday will mark the final two pages of the 32 … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 1, pages 25-26

Welcome back friends to the official Sunnyville blog.  I have some more comics pages up this week.  It seems that Rusty is now going to get an official Sunnyville welcome thanks to Sam and her family! The mayor of Sunnyville, … Continue reading

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