Category Archives: reviews

Book Review: Small Time Operator

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a book review.  As I’ve recently done my taxes, I thought I’d talk about a text that I own and have consulted when I decided to set up a company to produce and market … Continue reading

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Review: The Art of Atari

Today, I have something of personal interest to me that I find handy for inspiration.  It’s an art book; many exist out there for television and feature films.  These books show the creative process behind such franchises like Star Wars, … Continue reading

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Review: Drawing in Pen & Ink

It’s been quite some time since I’ve done a book review so today I plan to talk about a handy manual that can help you in drawing comics.  The main tool used in drawing comics is the pen.  Some out … Continue reading

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Review: Imaginative Realism

Today, I’m reviewing the book by James Gurney titled Imaginative Realism: How To Paint What Doesn’t Exist. Imaginative Realism: How to Paint What Doesn’t Exist. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Pub, 2009 (Above image courtesy of Dick Blick, famous art supplies store) … Continue reading

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Book Review: Words That Sell

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a book review.  So I have one here that should be a boon to anyone who makes comics. Promotion is necessary and you must market your work, even if your work is handled by … Continue reading

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Review: The Non-Designer’s Design Book

Today, I’m doing a book review. It’s been ages since I’ve done one and I have a title here that may be of interest to self-publishers like us. The book is The Non-Designer’s Design Book by Robin P. Williams. Just … Continue reading

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Review: How to Draw Cartoons Editors Will Buy

I’ve got another book review today and it’s somewhat different from other books I’ve reviewed.  It’s a title by the late George Webster Crenshaw (1913-2007) called How to Draw Cartoons Editors Will Buy. This book was featured on the Small Press … Continue reading

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Review: Search Engine Optimization for Dummies

I’ve got a new book review today for all of you.  It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of those.  Is it a book about drawing with pen and ink?  Is it about layouts and frames for your comics?  Is … Continue reading

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Review: Casey the Pillow Fighter

As a favor, I thought I’d do a review of a small press comic that I picked up while attending the MoCCA Festival 2012 – Casey the Pillow Fighter by Gary Cohen and Louie Chin. Casey the Pillow Fighter is … Continue reading

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Review: the Snowman

As I prepare for my trip to Manchester tomorrow, I thought I’d share another book review today. This book is one that I believe has much potential for those out there who want to learn how to make comics, especially … Continue reading

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