Category Archives: reviews

Review: Drawings Words & Writing Pictures

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a book review. You’ve probably read some of the basic books on comics theory like the works of Scott McCloud and Will Eisner. But there are those of you who want a more thorough … Continue reading

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Review: New Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain Workbook

Those of you who have read my tutorial on how to make comics know that you don’t need to be able to draw to create any comics. But then there are those of you out there who want to be … Continue reading

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Review: The DC Comics Guide to Inking Comics

Hello, friends.  It’s Max West, creator of this blog, comic, and all-around cool guy.  I have another book review to share today and it’s a very important book.  This one was instrumental in helping me develop my skills and make … Continue reading

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Review: Making Comics

Today, I have another book review to share with you.  There’s a lot of texts out there about making comics.  Most of them are basic and cover drawing, character design, differences in drawing males and females, basic gags and story … Continue reading

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Book Review: Guerrilla Marketing On the Internet

Hello!  It’s Max West here from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  I’m attending Anthrocon 2011 as this goes live.  While I’m out there networking and promoting myself, I thought I’d share with you a neat book that I found by accident. As you … Continue reading

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Book Review: Framed Ink

This week, your humble creator, Max West, has a book review up.  It’s something that can help anyone who works in comics and maybe even in filmmaking.  This book review is for Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers … Continue reading

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