Tag Archives: making comics

Computers And Making Comics, Part 4

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of my look at the computer in making comics. Be sure to read the previous entries.  You’ll have to check other sources to see how specifically draw on the computer. One good … Continue reading

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Computers and Making Comics, Part 3

I have talked about hardware when it comes to using computers to making comics.  What about software? There’s many choices out there.  All drawing programs come down to two kinds – raster and vector.  Raster-based programs have images depicted as … Continue reading

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Computers and Making Comics, Part 2

Picking up from where we left off last time, I’ll talk some more about computers and how they tie into making comics. In this particular blog post, friends, I’ll discuss hardware.  Before we get started, I need to emphasize what … Continue reading

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Computers and Making Comics, Part 1

Today, I’m going to talk about a tool in making comics that I haven’t really touched on yet.  That is the computer. In today’s highly digital, Internet connected age, the computer has become one of the standard tools in making … Continue reading

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Thomas Edison and My Comics

When it comes to doing Sunnyville Stories, any sort of Kickstarter or crowdfunding effort or comics in general, this quote sums up my attitude. “When I have fully decided that a result is worth getting I go ahead of it … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 8 Thumbnails

Work on Sunnyville Stories episode 8 “Make the Grade” is proceeding full steam. At the same time, I’m also working on my graphic novel Von Herling, Vampire Hunter as well as the content for Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and a possible third book … Continue reading

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Making Comics By Jason Brubaker

There’s a new blog in town and it talks about making comics.  While I’ve discussed the subject myself frequently, I thought I’d share this new blog. Jason Brubaker, creator of reMIND, started up this new blog appropriately titled Making Comics. … Continue reading

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Review: Making Comics

Today, I have another book review to share with you.  There’s a lot of texts out there about making comics.  Most of them are basic and cover drawing, character design, differences in drawing males and females, basic gags and story … Continue reading

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Book Review: Framed Ink

This week, your humble creator, Max West, has a book review up.  It’s something that can help anyone who works in comics and maybe even in filmmaking.  This book review is for Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: My Process and Further Reading

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve come to the very end of my tutorial on how to make comics.  My blog posts were meant to give a basic idea of how to make your own comic.  My way is not the … Continue reading

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