Tag Archives: Sunnyville Stories episode 8

Sunnyville Stories Episode 8, pages 5-6

Picking up from where we last left off, Rusty encounters his mom.  She does NOT look happy over Rusty’s academic performance. Needless to say, Rusty’s mom is very angry over Rusty failing his test.  

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 8, pages 3-4

Picking up from where we left off last time, Rusty is feeling dejected after failing his math test. As always, Sam is there to show Rusty that it isn’t so bad.

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 8, pages 1-2

I’ve got some inked pages of Sunnyville Stories episode 8 to show you.  The story opens up on a sad note. Those of you who know Rusty (and have read the series) will know he’s an easygoing guy.  He’ usually … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 8 Thumbnails

Work on Sunnyville Stories episode 8 “Make the Grade” is proceeding full steam. At the same time, I’m also working on my graphic novel Von Herling, Vampire Hunter as well as the content for Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and a possible third book … Continue reading

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Episode 8 Script Excerpt

Today, I’m hard at work on the next installment of Sunnyville Stories.  I’m presently working on Sunnyville Stories episode 8, titled “Make the Grade”.  After the breather episode that was Sunnyville Stories episode 7, this is intended to be more … Continue reading

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Research and your local library

When a lot of you artists and writers out there need to do research, the first thing you probably do is go to your desktop, laptop, or tablet and pull up a search engine – probably Google if you’re anything … Continue reading

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