Tag Archives: von herling vampire hunter

Announcing Kickstarter Rewards

Last week, I announced two Kickstarters.  Now I have the rewards worked out. First, we’ll review the Von Herling, Vampire Hunter Kickstarter.  Our funding goal for this one is US$600.  Anyway here are the rewards I have worked out: Anyone … Continue reading

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Announcing TWO Kickstarters!

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a big announcement to make.  I am planning to do not one but two Kickstarters in the coming months. The first Kickstarter is a small-scale one in that it will be meant to raise funds … Continue reading

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24 Hour Comics Day 2016

Today, October 1, is 24 Hour Comic Day.  I will be undertaking the challenge yet again.  In a short time from now, from 12:00pm Central time today through 12:00pm Central time tomorrow on Sunday, October 2, I will produce a … Continue reading

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On Isolation

I’d like to talk to you about something. It’s a recurring theme in my works. Do you know what that theme is? It’s isolation. It turns up frequently in my creative work. The theme of isolation is prevalent in Sunnyville … Continue reading

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Scared to Death, But Saddling Up

I’m very busy putting together the two books that will be due by October 31 – Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter. This last week and a half has been rough on me because I’ve had a … Continue reading

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Research and your local library

When a lot of you artists and writers out there need to do research, the first thing you probably do is go to your desktop, laptop, or tablet and pull up a search engine – probably Google if you’re anything … Continue reading

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