I’m very busy putting together the two books that will be due by October 31 – Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter.
This last week and a half has been rough on me because I’ve had a number of failures. I haven’t gotten any new reviews on my work, either in the press or on Goodreads. I’ve also been receiving some hate mail lately; just as I was at Anthrocon, I’ve been accused of forging my good reviews. Yes, the reviews that said Sunnyville Stories is actually good quality – I’ve been told that I somehow hacked those websites and posted my “phony” reviews on there or I bribed somebody to put those up.
I’m also down that no new libraries have picked up my work in spite of my social media and mailing campaign. I just don’t get it.
To be honest, I’m demoralized right now. I wonder if Sunnyville Stories will ever go anywhere or if many out there will view it as trash. I guess this is normal for all creative types. They’ve all had times where they doubt themselves.
I honestly don’t know what the future holds for me or Sunnyville Stories. Either way, I have to keep going even though I know success is not guaranteed.
To everyone out there who actually likes my work and reads this blog – thank you very much!
Oh, if you’re wondering where the title of this blog post came from…
Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.
— John Wayne