Tag Archives: sunnyville stories episode 7

Episode 7, pages 9-10

So the three brothers have arrived and offer to help out at the Von Straussen’s party.  Who are these newcomers?  Let’s find out. The brother named Who is serving the drinks. This is where it will get confusing. Mr. Von … Continue reading

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Episode 7, pages 7-8 pencils

Picking up from the last pages, Greta decides to take up the offer of the three brothers to help out at the party. So these three brothers are named Who, What, and Why. It sounds like this is going to … Continue reading

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Episode 7, pages 5-6 pencils

Picking up from our last blog post, Greta Von Straussen is in a bind.  There are no servants in the house today and Mr. Von Straussen is having a party.  Rusty and Sam have agreed to help out but she … Continue reading

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Episode 7, pages 1-2 pencils

I’ve got some pencils today of the first pages to Sunnyville Stories episode 7.  It’s titled “By Any Other Name” and is going to be a very wacky story.  So let’s see what I’ve got so far. This story takes … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 7 Thumbnails

Production on the seventh episode of Sunnyville Stories “By Any Other Name” has entered production.  At the time of this writing, I have not yet completed the thumbnails for episode 7.  It is shaping up to be a shorter story … Continue reading

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Research and your local library

When a lot of you artists and writers out there need to do research, the first thing you probably do is go to your desktop, laptop, or tablet and pull up a search engine – probably Google if you’re anything … Continue reading

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Episode 7 Script Excerpt

Well, today I have yet another script excerpt.  This time, it’s from the seventh episode of Sunnyville Stories.  The title of it will be “By Any Other Name”.  It will involve much confusion.  How so?  Well…see for yourself. SUNNYVILLE STORIES … Continue reading

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