Tag Archives: von straussen

Hilda and Richie ARE part of Sunnyville!

We are getting further into the Hilda & Richie Kickstarter and keep heading toward the 25% funded mark. At the time oft his writing, the Kickstarter passed the $400 mark and I aim to keep getting that number higher. But … Continue reading

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Episode 7, pages 9-10

So the three brothers have arrived and offer to help out at the Von Straussen’s party.  Who are these newcomers?  Let’s find out. The brother named Who is serving the drinks. This is where it will get confusing. Mr. Von … Continue reading

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Episode 7, pages 7-8 pencils

Picking up from the last pages, Greta decides to take up the offer of the three brothers to help out at the party. So these three brothers are named Who, What, and Why. It sounds like this is going to … Continue reading

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Episode 7, pages 3-4 pencils

Picking up from where we left off last time, Rusty’s mom is not happy with the jokes that Rusty is making. Due to the problems with pencils reproducing, you can’t see the dialogue on some parts of this page.

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