We are getting further into the Hilda & Richie Kickstarter and keep heading toward the 25% funded mark. At the time oft his writing, the Kickstarter passed the $400 mark and I aim to keep getting that number higher.
But that’s not the only thing I want to talk about. I’ve said that Hilda and Richie are part of the Sunnyville Stories universe but that’s more telling than showing. Today, I’m going to share something with you. I am working on a reward that becomes available to ALL BACKERS once we hit the 25% funded mark. It is a short comic with Rusty, Samantha and Mrs. Von Straussen. This is the first actual Sunnyville Stories comic that I’ve drawn for awhile. If all goes well, this whole comic will also be included in the planned Sunnyville reprint later this year.
Anyway, set just after Sunnyville Stories #2, the wealthy Mrs. Von Straussen is showing Rusty around her mansion with Sam tagging along. They come to a room full of portraits…and look who’s there!

Yes, there we have it! The smoking gun! Hilda and Richie are officially part of the Sunnyville Stories canon!
Of course, I’m not going to show you the whole comic here. You want this comic? Back Hilda & Richie on Kickstarter now! Once we hit 25% funded, this comic will be available to each and every backer!
Well, what are you waiting for?
Go back Hilda & Richie on Kickstarter NOW!!