Tag Archives: inking

Sunnyville Number 16 Report: Jan. 20, 2018

Just a reminder – if you haven’t yet, make sure you pledge to the Sunnyville Volume 4 Kickstarter and tell others about it. Anyway, work continues on Sunnyville #16 and we’re making good progress on it. Here, I’m getting ready … Continue reading

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Inking and Publicity

During the Sunnyville New York Tour, I chatted with Jon Gorga of Carmine Street Comics.  Having created photocomics and being full of ideas, we chatted for awhile at his shop (be sure to swing by there as they sell Sunnyville … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: My Process and Further Reading

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve come to the very end of my tutorial on how to make comics.  My blog posts were meant to give a basic idea of how to make your own comic.  My way is not the … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: Inking Your Comics

And now, it’s time for probably the most important part of how to make comics – the big step that will make your work visible to readers.  You’ve drawn your work in pencils and you’ve done your lettering.  You think … Continue reading

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