Tag Archives: max west artist

A Little More Concept Art for Ep. 5

Hello, friends!  I just have a few more pieces of concept art to share with you this week.  I’m over in Huntsville, Alabama and I’m having a blast at Rocket City Furmeet so I can’t chat for long. This is … Continue reading

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A Photo Opportunity?

When it comes to working on my comics, I tend to rely on my imagination.  There’s nothing wrong with doing this.  Some out there like Jerry Moriarty like to work entirely from there imagination.  Others though may use live models … Continue reading

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More Episode 5 Concept Art

Welcome back, friends.  I have a few more conceptual pieces here for Sunnyville Stories episode 5.  First, I need to make a brief announcement.  Next Saturday, I will be heading to Huntsville, Alabama.  This will mark the first time in … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 13-14 pencils

Welcome back, friends.  I have more pencilled comics pages this week.  We start to take a look at the reasons why Mr. Jakes has fallen behind in fixing the townspeople’s appliances.  Rolf is ready to offer some insight. Roger seems … Continue reading

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Episode 5 and Future Works

As I type this, I’m waiting for a proof copy of the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories from the nice people at Ka-Blam.  I’ve already started the thumbnails for the next episode of Sunnyville Stories.  That will be the fifth … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Episode 4 pages 11-12 pencils

Sunnyville Stories episode 4 is being processed by the nice people over at Ka-Blam – I hope to have it go on sale soon as I check the proof I get mailed.  So while we’re waiting for that announcement, let’s … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: My Process and Further Reading

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve come to the very end of my tutorial on how to make comics.  My blog posts were meant to give a basic idea of how to make your own comic.  My way is not the … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 9-10 pencils

Before I kick this post off, I’d just like to announce that the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories has been finished.  Yes, the inking has been COMPLETED!  All that’s left is the cover and digital formatting for the printers.  I’m … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 7-8 pencils

Hello, everyone.  It’s Max West here, live from I-Con over in Stony Brook, New York.  I’m here giving panel talks and meeting people.  However, I still have time to go over this week’s pages to the fourth episode of Sunnyville … Continue reading

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How to Ink with a Brush

When it comes to inking, I’m a lover of the pen.  I use dip pens and technical pens chiefly in my work.  The pen is easier to use and can be a quicker route to a paying livelihood.  However, if … Continue reading

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