Tag Archives: pencilling comics

Episode 10 Page 5

I apologize again for not keeping up with the regular updates. Besides more business matters, I have some wonderful news. More libraries will be picking up Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 AND Von Herling, Vampire Hunter soon. Just this week, I … Continue reading

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Episode 10 page 2 pencils

Picking up from where we left off yesterday, Rusty is wandering through the woods surrounding Sunnyville. In yet another polyptych (a technique I picked up from Dave Sim of Cerebus fame), Rusty comes across a shadowy figure.

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Episode 10 Page 1 Pencils

As I promised, I’ll share some of the rough pencils that I’ve been working on for Sunnyville Stories episode 10 “Listen to the Music”. So shall we get this show on the road? Our story begins in the vast forests … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 9, Page 1

I owe all of you readers an apology for not updating the blog on time yesterday, like I usually do.  Besides being busy, I had some problems trying to scan the pencilled pages.  I tried doing it on my office … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 9-10 pencils

Before I kick this post off, I’d just like to announce that the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories has been finished.  Yes, the inking has been COMPLETED!  All that’s left is the cover and digital formatting for the printers.  I’m … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 4, page 3-4 pencils

I’m continuing to work on the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories, titled “Don’t Answer Me”.  As I ink the piece, I’ll share a few more of the pencilled pages and give you some more insights into my working process.  You … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: Pencilling Comics

I’m certain you’ve all got your scripts written and you’ve sketched out thumbnails.  Now comes the part where you actually draw your comics.  This stage is called “pencilling” and it’s self-explanatory.  Essentially, you draw your comics in pencil on your … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: Thumbnails and Layouts

Welcome back, everyone, to my tutorial on making comics.  I’ve discussed how to generate ideas for comics, talked about the basics and more advanced principles of writing,  and even talked about how to develop drawing skills for comics.  Today I’m … Continue reading

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