Tag Archives: marketing

Why My Kickstarter Failed

After watching videos on Kickstarter, reading articles on crowdfunding and signing on with crowdfunding discussion forums, I started writing notes in a notebook to learn everything I could. However, this was not enough.  I needed to take a look at … Continue reading

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Mailing lists and scripts

As San Diego Comic Con and Anthrocon take place this weekend, I keep promoting myself and my work during the event.  But a lot of work is taking place at my drawing desk and at the computer.  Just this morning, … Continue reading

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Inking and Publicity

During the Sunnyville New York Tour, I chatted with Jon Gorga of Carmine Street Comics.  Having created photocomics and being full of ideas, we chatted for awhile at his shop (be sure to swing by there as they sell Sunnyville … Continue reading

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Book Review: Words That Sell

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a book review.  So I have one here that should be a boon to anyone who makes comics. Promotion is necessary and you must market your work, even if your work is handled by … Continue reading

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Refreshingly New

I’ve been working on some promotional ads to raise awareness of Sunnyville Stories.  This is one of them.   This piece was inspired by a 1989 print ad for Takara brand shochu (a more potent version of sake).

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Book Review: Guerrilla Marketing On the Internet

Hello!  It’s Max West here from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  I’m attending Anthrocon 2011 as this goes live.  While I’m out there networking and promoting myself, I thought I’d share with you a neat book that I found by accident. As you … Continue reading

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