Tag Archives: ink

Episode 9, pages 1-2

I have some finished art to share with everyone today. After much work on both Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter, I’ve finally gotten back to work on Sunnyville Stories episode 9. I have a few pages … Continue reading

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Three Sour Notes

Hot on the heels of the other two works I’ve discussed before (“Worlds Apart” and “Rusty Against the World“), I’m going to share yet another piece that I will be displaying at the Anthrocon 2012 art show. This piece is … Continue reading

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How to Make Comics: Inking Your Comics

And now, it’s time for probably the most important part of how to make comics – the big step that will make your work visible to readers.  You’ve drawn your work in pencils and you’ve done your lettering.  You think … Continue reading

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