Tag Archives: anthrocon 2012

Putting Your Foot In It

And now we come to the final of the four pieces that I’m displaying in the Anthrocon 2012 art show. I did this with my usual tools: sable brush, pen with a Speedball 513 nib, and India ink. Those are … Continue reading

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Three Sour Notes

Hot on the heels of the other two works I’ve discussed before (“Worlds Apart” and “Rusty Against the World“), I’m going to share yet another piece that I will be displaying at the Anthrocon 2012 art show. This piece is … Continue reading

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Rusty Against the World

I’m going to share with you a painting I did. This will probably be the cover for Sunnyville Stories episode 8, which won’t enter production until probably next year. This will also be one of the four pieces I display … Continue reading

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Worlds Apart

About two months are left now before Anthrocon 2012. I’ve chosen the four pieces that I will display in this year’s art show. I’ve had to give this a lot of thought and I’ve selected carefully. I’m going to share … Continue reading

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