Tag Archives: sunnyville stories volume 1

Update: Plans for 2022 and 2023

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated. But I do have some news to share today, Sunnyville fans. As you know right now, I’ve haven’t had time to work on Sunnyville Stories lately. All my energy is going into my next … Continue reading

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Contents of the Sunnyville Stories Reprint

Continuing where we left off, here is the exact plan for the reprint of Sunnyville, known as Sunnyville Stories: Beginnings. First, there will be a brand new prologue to open up the saga of Rusty Duncan. It’ll deal with our … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Volume 1 Hits Number 1 On Kindle!

Ladies and gentlemen, I have late breaking news that I just learned of today! I went to check on copies of Sunnyville Stories over on Amazon where it is sold in both paperback and Amazon Kindle format. Sunnyville Stories Volume … Continue reading

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Aiming Higher for Sunnyville

I’ve been very busy lately. Besides other things, I’ve had to attend to various business related issues with Different Mousetrap Press. A lot of them are official business matters such as taxes, but I’ve also had to make some tough … Continue reading

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My Interview on Great Stories

The Great Stories blog has done an interview with me on their blog! Go and read it! And don’t forget that they do sell copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 1!

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Sunnyville makes the Midwest Book Review

Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 has been reviewed in the June 2013 edition of the Midwest Book Review’s Bookwatch! FYI, the MBR is a trade journal that covers small press books and is famous for its opinions boosting sales of books. … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 Third Press Release

For immediate release For further info, contact Max West, maxwestart@gmail.com SMALL PRESS GRAPHIC NOVEL GOES BIG Contemporary creator releases first comics trade paperback Comics creator Max West announced his imaginative comics anthology, Sunnyville Stories Volume 1, is now available for sale … Continue reading

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Where to get Sunnyville Stories

So you want to know where you can get a copy of my books as well as my other comics… Don’t forget that prints of my artwork, both Sunnyville and others, are readily available on DeviantArt. Amazon carries paperbacks; you … Continue reading

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Sunnyville Stories Episode 6, page 2

I’ve got some more inked pages here to share with everyone.  I’m 3/4 of the way done with Sunnyville Stories episode 6.  It may be delayed however until the end of the year.  Why?  I’m going to be taking a … Continue reading

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Where to Buy Sunnyville Stories Volume 1

I’ve had a busy morning today.  Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 has been made available to some more sources.  The added venues of availability should make this independent comics series more visible to readers. First, if anyone has an IPad, Sunnyville … Continue reading

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