Hello, Sunnyville fans!
It’s been awhile. Now that the Kickstarter for my second picture book has ended, it is time to move onto other things. One of the big items on my to-do list (besides the planned Kickstarter for Poison Ivy Gulch) will be the long-awaited redrawing of Sunnyville Stories episode 1.
My plan is to redraw all the pages from Sunnyville Stories episode 1 now that my drawing skills are far superior to what they once were. The approach though is going to be different.
My original idea was to completely redraw everything, write a whole new script, etc. But that is too much work and I have other obligations. I will be using the original comics as a blueprint and this new episode will be semi-improvised as I will be drawing a whole new page based on the old ones, but with updated art and some edits.
One of the key items was to have Rusty mention his cousin Dominic (from the spin-off Dominic & Claire) and his hometown of New Gestad a few times as a way to cement the Sunnyville canon.
The redrawing will start later today; I’ll even have a teaser or two to share with you once I get done.
Stay tuned for more updates on the Sunnyville blog and (somewhat) new Sunnyville comics!