Picking up from where we left off last time, Sam and Jason learn that Rusty loaned little Donny Hopper a copy of the Terry Brooks fantasy novel the Sword of Shannara.
In that top panel, I drew Rusty in the foreground with a thicker Speedball C4 nib to make him stand out more. Anyway, Rusty here takes a “big brother” attitude towards little Donny Hopper. Rusty can relate to Donny a lot; both have no siblings and both have very overbearing mothers. The latter point will become relevant later on in our story.
Anyway, we’ve met Eddie Macgregor, Sam’s cousin, back in Sunnyville Stories #11. Now we meet his mother, Sarah. I should emphasize that Sarah is not only friends with Crystal (Sam’s mom), but they’ve known each other a long time. Sarah is originally from Sunnyville before moving to the seaside resort of Solton; in fact, it was because of Crystal that she met her future husband, George (Thompson’s older brother).
There’s also a continuity nod here. Eddie told his mom about Rusty and his family; they did meet before back in Sunnyville #11.
Who is at the door? We’ll have to wait to find out until next time.
That’s it for today. Meanwhile, sign up for the Sunnyville Stories mailing list if you haven’t yet. Stop over to DriveThru Comics for digital copies of Sunnyville Stories. Copies ofSunnyville Stories Volume 1 are still for sale on Amazon, both in print and Kindle formats! While you’re there, be sure to pick up Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and (if you love Gothic horror) Von Herling, Vampire Hunter! And now available is the latest installment of the saga, Sunnyville Stories Volume 3. Get them today!
Copies of all the above titles are available to the library trade via Brodart Company and to retailers from Ingram and Baker & Taylor (via BCH Distribution). Copies are also available direct from the publisher. For ordering information, contact maxwestart(at)gmail(dot)com or write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC, 1100 19th Avenue N, #108, Unit J, Fargo ND 58102-2269 USA