As we all know, the Kickstarter to fund the Sunnyville Stories Super Special was a success. It met and exceeded the funding goal. So what does this mean for the future of Sunnyville and for myself? It means a few things.
- This successful Kickstarter is firm proof that I have both the intelligence and the capacity to run and fully fund a Kickstarter. This makes crowdfunding a viable option for printing more comics.
- This Kickstarter proves I do have fans who will support crowdfunding drives and allies who are more than willing to spread the word.
- This Kickstarter success is like winning the Battle of Yavin or winning the Minor Circuit in Punch-Out; this victory will make others out there sit up and take notice of Sunnyville Stories. This will get their attention as well as get them asking about who brought this creation to life.
- This fully funded Kickstarter is a boost of my credibility. It shows that I have a quality product (Sunnyville Stories) and proves that it is a marketable idea.
However, I can’t rest on my laurels. There still remains the challenge of delivering on my Kickstarter rewards. I’ll be updating the Kickstarter itself soon regarding the rewards and the funds clearing.
Just because I succeeded with this Kickstarter doesn’t necessarily guarantee I will have the same victories in the future. It’s important to learn from this Kickstarter and how I can do better next time. While I did hit my goal early on, there wasn’t much incentive to pledge afterwards in spite of rewards being left and a few new rewards being added. Also, this Kickstarter had a good ground game, but I wasn’t able to go viral and there was only a little coverage of it – we made one blog and one podcast.
In the next Kickstarter I plan for this spring (announcements will be made this weekend), there’ll be an aim to get more coverage and there will be stretch goals too. Stay tuned for more news on this Kickstarter and my next one.