Good evening, fans. We had a few recent updates on the Sunnyville Volume 4 Kickstarter.
First, we have just passed the $500 mark and are around 27% funded! That’s amazing.
Second, we have unlocked not but TWO NEW REWARDS! For anyone who pledges $100, you’ll get five copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 4 plus some digital point-of-sale materials to use for sales. If you are a vendor of any sort – maybe you have a comics shop, a storefront or perhaps a stall in a market – this reward is ideal for you. We also have a reward for a pledge of US$250. Anyone who pledges that amount will get some special rewards and among those are ALL FOUR VOLUMES OF SUNNYVILLE STORIES!! That’s right – you could get all four books collecting the saga of Rusty and Sam in the village of Sunnyville. We have already had one backer each for those tiers but they are limited so you’d better act now!
On the comics front, work is continuing on Sunnyville #16. I recently spattered ink on the pages.
Lucky for me, I have white paint ready to go.
Sunnyville #16 is progressing on schedule and we should be able to finish it by month’s end.
In the meantime, make sure you pledge to the Sunnyville Stories Vol. 4 Kickstarter today!