Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the home stretch for Sunnyville Stories #16. I’m getting working on the last pages.
It has been a challenge. See this page? When I filled in the black areas with ink, some of it ended up spattering on the top of the page. I had to wait for it to dry and then go over it with white acrylic paint.
These next scenes are just as emotional. I’m drawing the funeral procession to the graveyard and the people of Sunnyville saying their final goodbye to Mr. Jakes. Believe me – that has been a very challenging thing to do.
This montage of people saying the last farewell ever to the grave of Mr. Jakes – that has been very trying.
That’s it for now. I hope to have this done by tomorrow evening. Oh, don’t forget to pledge to the Sunnyville Vol. 4 Kickstarter too!