Ladies and gentlemen, I have great news!
Dominic & Claire Circus is halfway funded! At 55%, we are doing great! However, I don’t plan to rest on my laurels. It is imperative to get to 100% funding and above.
I have an incentive to help get funded. If you backed my Kickstarter, you are eligible to determine the 75% milestone bonus reward that goes to all backers. I have a rough drawing in the link below of Dominic saying something to his mother. If you backed my Kickstarter, then you can suggest to me what Dominic should be saying (keep it PG). I will pick the best one and finish the cartoon with that entry.
Click here to comment on what witty thing Dominic should be saying.
What? You didn’t back my Kickstarter yet? Well…what are you waiting for?
Click here to back Dominic & Claire Circus on Kickstarter!