It’s been awhile since my last update. As a reminder, this blog is on low power mode. You should be expecting sporadic updates for the rest of the year.
Regular updates will resume in 2021 for the Sunnyville Stories blog. As you know, January 2021 will the the official launch of the Kickstarter for my planned picture book, Hilda & Richie. (As a reminder, Hilda & Richie have their own blog so go check that out for more news.) I will be using this blog to help promote the Kickstarter and, as I established before, Hilda and Richie exist in the Sunnyville universe.
There is more though; it is my goal to fund a new print run of Sunnyville books sometime in 2021. Once I can crowdfund higher amounts, my aim will be to fund a new printing of Sunnyville Stories books. The old ones will be going out of print and I will be liquidating my current stock through next year.
The details still need to be worked out but the book size will be smaller. The size will most likely be the smaller manga or digest size. I will also be doing back over some parts and redrawing some things. However, it’s best not to go overboard and make everything look brand new. On the downside, I’m not planning at this time to continue with new Sunnyville comics with Rusty, Sam and the crew. That may not happen at least until 2022.
One more thing: remember Dominic & Claire, the Sunnyville spin-off starring Rusty’s cousin Dominic? I am trying to work out an idea to turn that spin-off into an actual series for the mainstream comic book reader, albeit a short one of around six to eight issues. Humor comics are sorely lacking and I think Dominic & Claire could make it big out there. Unfortunately, I have no more news to share on that; the proposed Dominic & Claire series has not advanced beyond notes.
That’s it for now. Stay tuned here for more news.