Welcome back, readers, to my spectacular comic. Before we get on to this week’s pages, I have a few announcements to make. First, please check out the work of a colleague. She’s got one hell of an epic work in progress and you can check it out at Mindy Indy. Second, I will be putting out a photo book of sketches soon through Lulu.com called the Sunnyville Sketchbook. Watch soon for more details. Third, I hope to have another book of pen-and-ink landscape drawings also available on Lulu sometime next year. Now we return to our regularly scheduled programming.
As you may know, I’ll be serializing the entire first episode of Sunnyville on my blog here…absolutely free! That’s right! Free! No strings attached! So, now let’s go onto the third and fourth pages. Oh, if you haven’t read the first and second pages…shame on you. Go back and read them right now. Once you’ve read them, you may proceed.
Now, as you may remember, Sunnyville is getting a new family today. They’re coming in on the train. Let’s take a look at the current inbound train.
It’s the Duncan family – this is sometime after they left their old home in a faraway metropolis and are currently headed to Sunnyville. Of course, if you notice, Rusty doesn’t seem that keen on having moved to a new place. I had my qualms too about moving away. If you read my entry about Rusty’s father, you’ll know that he went through quite a few changes in appearance. For those of you who read my Sunnyville Stories Episode #0 minicomic, he had a more elongated head and conservative business attire. (I will eventually post up the aforementioned apocryphal teaser.) Rusty’s mom though didn’t change much in her appearance.
In case you haven’t noticed, there’s definitely a difference between mother and father in how they handle their son, Rusty. And we can definitively see here that Rusty still isn’t pleased with the idea of leaving home.
I did study photo reference for drawing the interior of the train car and for that avian conductor’s uniform you see in the top panel. In fact, that avian was my first real test in inking lines with a brush. Inking with a brush is much more difficult than with a pen. I’ll probably touch up on brush inking in a future post once I get more experience with it.
That’s it for this week. Next Saturday, I’ll have more pages up. In the meantime, if anyone has questions or comments on my work, I’ll be glad to take them.

sunnyvillestories.com – da mejor. Guardar va!
This is great stuff, thanks!
Your drawing is very elementary, nothing too fancy . few proportions seem off; over all it was enjoyable to read,
Thanks a lot for commenting. I really appreciate it.