I’ve been busy working on Sunnyville Stories episode 6 as well as another personal project of mine as you read this blog post. It is taking longer than usual. Keep in mind that Sunnyville Stories episode 6 is a whopping 44 pages – the longest story I’ve drawn so far. But you will see it in print soon enough.
What’s that? Some of you doubt this. Some of you think I’m just slacking off and not really working. Well, how about showing all of you skeptics out there my work?
These are some of the pages I’ve lettered. If I do nothing else, I try to at least work on lettering pages using a Speedball C6 nib.
Here’s one of the pages after I’ve filled in the black areas with Speedball India ink. This process is called “spotting blacks”. If you notice here, hatching, cross-hatching, dotting and other patterns have not yet been added. I add those in after the black areas have dried.
Here, I’m inking line art. As you can see here, I’m roughly about halfway through the inking. It’ll be a challenge to finish up these pages – but I have the ability to see it through to the end.
It’s worth repeating again: making comics is not easy. It takes skill, patience, and dedication. You must see it through to the end. No matter how challenging the past stories have been and no matter how many times I stumbled, I saw it through to the end. If you can’t give a full commitment to your comics, then you’re better off not doing it in the first place.
That’s it for now. Subscribe to the RSS feed or via email if you haven’t already. Also remember to buy a copy of Sunnyville Stories Volume 1. Since the price will go up early next year, you may want to go and buy a copy today before the price increase goes into effect. You can get a copy at Indy Planet, from Desert Island of Williamsburg, and the Housing Works Bookstore Cafe.
As always, we welcome your feedback. What’s your opinion? We’d like to know.