Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 has been reviewed in the June 2013 edition of the Midwest Book Review’s Bookwatch!
FYI, the MBR is a trade journal that covers small press books and is famous for its opinions boosting sales of books. So what exactly did they say?
Taken from the review: “Sunnyville Stories” has some of the taste of Walt Kelly’s Pogo and the inhabitants of the Okefenokee, an old popular comic series from the early 50’s. Daily truths about human interactions are somehow more palatable when expressed by oddly dressed, humanoid- looking animals.
Whoa! I’m honored. They actually compared me and my work to the classic newspaper comic strip Pogo and its creator, Walt Kelly.
More soundbytes from the review: “Sunnyville Stories” is destined to become a mainstream hit, but will probably never lose its alternative style and bite.
That is truly awesome! This is the second great review that Sunnyville has gotten, right after the recent review by Olivia’s Comic Book Blog.
With reviews like those, how can you not buy your own copy of Sunnyville Stories Volume 1?