I have some more pages of Sunnyville Stories episode 9 to share with you today. I’m still working on that story as well as planning out the third volume of Sunnyville Stories. On top of that, I’m working out my game plan for next year – but that’s a whole other post.
Anyway, on with the show.
As you recall from last time, Rusty was up in his room, spying on his neighbor, Mrs. Hauptmann, as she went swimming (and in a two-piece bikini). Unfortunately, Rusty’s mom calls him downstairs. Rusty is well aware that this is something serious – he’s being referred to by his real full name, which eagle-eyed readers will recall is “Robert”. He refers to this as the Full Name Ultimatum, which I’m sure many of you are familiar with. This scene was also inspired from the infamous episode of Arthur called “Arthur’s Big Hit”, where the title character is called out by his full name.
This is a tense moment here and I want to talk about the use of diagonal lines. You noticed it too on the other page. This is all part of the Expressionism highlighted in my work. Diagonal lines represent power and is more dynamic than the more static horizontal and vertical lines. After all, consider their use here. There’s a lot of tension because Rusty’s mom is pulling rank on her son and is yelling at him…though for not doing as she said rather than catching him spying on their neighbor. That’s why Rusty is relieved in the last panel.
That’s it for now. I’ll have more pages up next time.
Anyway, stay tuned for updates concerning my planned Kickstarter. Please purchase copies of Sunnyville Stories and tell everyone you can about my work! Tell your library that you want Sunnyville Stories – we are carried through Brodart, Ingram, and the library division of Alibris! Don’t forget that you can still get Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 for Kindle as well as paperback. Check out the book’s Goodreads entry for other retailers as well as libraries carrying it! If you’re looking for super deals on Sunnyville, check out Direct Textbook for some excellent prices!