Just to let you know, loyal readers, work is continuing on the inks for Sunnyville Stories episode 9. It’s slow-going as I have other issues to deal with (taxes and paperwork related to Kickstarter), but the work will be finished soon enough.
At this time, I’m inking the scenes where Goro starts to become uneasy with his newly arrived nephew, Goemon, and his flashy cooking skills.
This page here has the lines inked and the black areas spotted. It’s also serving to slow down the action and set up the tension we’ll be seeing soon. This page still needs to have the hatching and patterns done.
This page simply has the lines inked. The pencil lines are still there and will be erased very soon. Here, the Von Straussen family becomes the first to make use of the teppanyaki.
I’ll have some more photos up of my progress next time. Plus there’ll be more news of the impending release of Sunnyville Stories Volume 2.
Sunnyville Stories Vol. 1 (ISBN 9780615653921) is still for sale on Amazon and it’s also available wholesale through Ingram and Baker & Taylor via BCH Distribution as well as to the library trade through Brodart Books.
Last but not least, I welcome your fan letters and commentary. You can email me at maxwestart(at)gmail.com or you can write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC
PO Box 1321
Greensboro, NC 27402