I’ve been very busy lately. Besides other things, I’ve had to attend to various business related issues with Different Mousetrap Press. A lot of them are official business matters such as taxes, but I’ve also had to make some tough decisions.
As some of you know, I’ve done an original graphic novel of Gothic horror Von Herling, Vampire Hunter (ISBN 9780989069618). I had initially planned a sequel and maybe even a few more. However, due to time constraints and an unpredictable schedule, I’m afraid that I have to cancel the planned sequel I was developing. This shorter sequel Von Herling Faces Death won’t see the light of day. Will I ever return to the story of Von Herling? I don’t know.
The most important thing is that I need to concentrate on Sunnyville Stories, which is my main concern. My plan this year is to continue working on content for the anticipated third volume and continue to promote the work itself. Rather than the traditional comics shops (which are dedicated to the typical mainstream superhero titles), I’ve been concentrating on the bookstore and library markets. It is my hope that I can get Sunnyville into as many libraries as possible.
This map is currently what states have libraries that have added Sunnyville Stories paperbacks to their collections. So far, that’s libraries in four states. That’s honestly not bad for an unknown like me. Still though, I do not plan to rest on my laurels.
I’m still in negotiations to have some libraries in Massachusetts pick up Sunnyville Stories for their collections. I’ll keep you posted on that news as it develops.
It’s necessary also that you readers do what you can to spread the word. Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 (ISBN 9780615653921) and Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 (ISBN 9780989069601) are available to the library trade through Brodart Company. If you’re a retailer who’d like to add Sunnyville to your stock, both books are available from Ingram and Baker & Taylor.
I welcome your fan letters and commentary. You can email me atmaxwestart(at)gmail.com or you can write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC
PO Box 1321
Greensboro, NC 27402