Picking up from where we left off yesterday, Rusty is wandering through the woods surrounding Sunnyville.
In yet another polyptych (a technique I picked up from Dave Sim of Cerebus fame), Rusty comes across a shadowy figure. As you may recall from the script excerpt I posted, Rusty’s “hare krishna” joke is a shout-out to the 1979 flick, the Muppet Movie. In fact, the song Rusty was singing earlier (Rainbow Connection) is also a shout-out to the same film.
These shadowy figures here are the wandering rock band, Das Eichornen. We’ll be meeting them later on (plus I’ll have sketches up too). When this page is inked, they’ll be all in black.
Yet, we have another use of the polyptych here as Rusty decides to help out these newcomers.
I’m quite pleased with the use of the polyptych technique in the comics. I honestly feel that this story will be a major turning point for Sunnyville.
I hope to have some more drawings up tomorrow. So stay tuned!
If you are a library (or vendor), both volumes of Sunnyville Stories are available wholesale through Ingram and Baker & Taylor via BCH Distribution and through Brodart Books.
Sunnyville Stories Vol. 1 (ISBN 9780615653921) is still for sale on Amazon too. Copies ofSunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter are for sale right now at Great Stories.
Last but not least, I welcome your fan letters and commentary. You can email me at maxwestart(at)gmail.com or you can write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC
PO Box 1321
Greensboro, NC 27402

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