It’s been awhile since I’ve done an updated map here regarding areas that have Sunnyville Stories (and Von Herling) in their libraries.
I had to change this map a bit since the District of Columbia is too small to show and the country of Australia is NOT a US state. Anyway, these areas all have libraries that presently have copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 (ISBN 9780615653921), Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 (ISBN 9780989069601) and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter (ISBN 9780989069618).
As some of you may know, my target for my work is chiefly the bookstore and library market rather than the traditional comic book shops. A recent study for the 2011 fiscal year revealed that total collection expenditures for libraries were US$1.23 billion! That reveals that libraries in the United States is a serious market worth looking at for those of you who want to compile comics to sell in book format.
So what’s the plan from here on? I’m going to keep working on my work and promoting it too. I also have some colleagues stumping for me out there. I already got one library in Massachusetts carrying my work; we’ve been approaching some other town libraries about adding to their graphic novel collection. We’ll keep you posted.
I’m working on getting some of the local libraries on carrying the Sunnyville titles – this includes the Fargo Public Library, West Fargo Public Library and the Lake Agassiz Regional Library (they manage the branch in neighboring Moorhead, Minnesota). I’ve also been in negotiations with the libraries in the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis to get them to carry my work and the same goes for libraries in Grand Forks, Bismarck and Minot.
If anyone is interested in carrying any of my books, they are readily available to the library trade via Brodart, Ingram, Baker & Taylor and Alibris.
If you represent a library and are interested in carrying any of my titles, I can be reached at maxwestart(at) or write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC, 1100 19th Avenue N, #108, Unit J, Fargo ND 58102-2269