I attended Anime Fargo 2016 yesterday. The point of this convention was to network and meet others. As I said before, I lost the raffle for the artist alley so I wasn’t able to sell here. From the artists I talked to (more on that in a moment), the competition for getting into this artist alley was quite fierce.
There was much to see as there was no shortage of vendors selling anime, manga, video games and related merchandise.
The artist alley was active too. I met both old and new faces like Thornguard, Tara Scheuller, Mischief Joker, Samantha Griffin, digital artist Brian Jackson and the Oakdale, Minnesota based vendor Eagle Anime. I chatted with quite a few of the vendors there about the convention; their sales were quite good for a small event so I’ll have to see about getting in here next year.
Anyway, how about more photos?
There were no shortage of cosplayers too.
These two ladies were there to promote Ai-Kon, an anime convention taking place up in Manitoba.
My next convention appearance will be at Valleycon next month and I will be selling there. We’ll have more details as that develops.