I have an important announcement to make. Sometime ago, I announced that Sunnyville character, Green Max, was going to be in a Kickstarter. After some careful thinking, I will not be doing the planned Kickstarter for a Green Max comic.
Why am I doing this? How did I come to this decision?
I did not choose this because I feared the Kickstarter would fail. The initial goal of the planned Green Max Kickstarter was US$250. Since I did well with the first one, this one would have most assuredly made its goal. So why am I not going through with this?
As some of you remember last year, I had a breakdown from trying to complete four different projects at once. Taking on another Kickstarter while working on the next Sunnyville comics (more on that in a moment) while wrapping up the first one, planning a bigger Kickstarter and doing conventions would have led to another overload for me.
The Kickstarter I ran this year was a success. However I owe it to myself and to my backers to see this Kickstarter through to the end. That means that I need to send out the rest of the rewards. If that takes longer than anticipated, I can’t have the running and promotion of a second Kickstarter so soon weighing me down.
What’s more is that I’ve neglected Sunnyville Stories #15 and #16 for too long. I really need to start work on those. Those will be in the upcoming fourth volume of Sunnyville. I aim to release that in the summer of next year so it’s imperative to get those done and make the final clean copy of Sunnyville volume 4.
Most importantly, I want to organize another Kickstarter to fund the fourth volume. Just because I succeeded with this one doesn’t mean any future efforts will succeed too. I need time to research and prepare. Plus I need to review the analytics of this past Kickstarter to understand why it got funded, what I did wrong and how to improve.
Rest assured, this is NOT the last of Green Max. He’ll be a background character in some of the upcoming comics and I have more plans for him in the Sunnyville universe.
Stay tuned, Sunnyville fans, for more news,