Hello, everyone. Sorry about the late update but I’ve been working hard to make sure Sunnyville Stories #15 gets completed.
As you all know, I’ve struggled to work on it and have been slogging through the drawing of the story. It has NOT been easy. Between the Kickstarter earlier this year, dealing with convention rejections and also promoting my work, it has been an uphill battle. But I digress.
Some proof that I’m working –
As it stands, Sunnyville #15 has about 8 pages left to go. I have to wrap up the game show as well as the denouement.
In addition, I’m still struggling on the Patreon page I want to set up and plotting my next Kickstarter. I expect to have more news on that soon. Here’s more photos of the Sunnyville #15 pages being drawn.
There’ll be more updates on Twitter and Facebook. However, the story is finally coming together and should be wrapped up in September! In the meantime, please sign up for the Sunnyville Stories mailing list if you haven’t yet. Buy me a Ko-Fi today and check out my other creation Tiffany & Corey.
Also, be sure to stop over to DriveThru Comics for digital copies of Sunnyville Stories. Copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 are still for sale on Amazon, both in print and Kindle formats! While you’re there, be sure to pick up Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and (if you love Gothic horror) Von Herling, Vampire Hunter! And now available is the latest installment of the saga, Sunnyville Stories Volume 3. Get them today!
Copies of all the above titles are available to the library trade via Brodart Company and to retailers from Ingram and Baker & Taylor (via BCH Distribution). Copies are also available direct from the publisher. For ordering information, contact maxwestart(at)gmail(dot)com or write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC, 1100 19th Avenue N, #108, Unit J, Fargo ND 58102-2269 USA