Saturday was indeed a busy day here at Valleycon! There was much more activity today.
We had lots of people coming and going. There was quite a crowd of fans traversing the dealer room; it was even more packed in the gaming rooms (both tabletop games and video games). I also got to partake in a banquet that evening after the dealer room closed.
Sales were okay today. More copies of the Sunnyville Super Special (from my Kickstarter) sold today; the number of them continues to dwindle. I also left out a dish of candy, Smarties, on my table. They were gone by day’s end.
I was able to get a special tripod easel to display things with, such as that Tiffany & Corey placard shown above or maybe larger artworks.
Anyway, here’s some more photos of what was going on today at Valleycon.
Well, hope you enjoyed this day’s report. Stay tuned for more!