Greetings, Sunnyville fans!! We have ONLY 21 DAYS LEFT until the Sunnyville Volume 4 Kickstarter launches!!
Moving on, the cover for the planned fourth volume of Sunnyville has been completed. This will also be used for the Kickstarter itself. Today, I’ll show you a step by step montage of how the image was illustrated. First I worked from the sketch I did (shown in yesterday’s blog post).
I first laid down a basic sketch in 2H pencil on 11 x 14 inch smooth bristol board and then tightened up everything with an HB pencil.
After that, I started making passes on the page with markers coloring in various things such as Sam’s tail tip or the doughnut on Rusty’s signboard. Here’s another photos of the successive marker work.
Once the marker work had been done for Rusty and Sam, I let them dry for awhile. Then came the green shrubbery behind them.
I decided to use acrylic ink for the bushes. Bristol paper can take large areas of ink but I can’t use a heavy diluted wash on bristol like watercolor paper. To get a rich green color but not have the page buckle, I mixed together equal amounts of yellow and blue to get green. Only a few drops of water were used to help mix the colors further.
Here’s the ink being put down and drying.
After everything dried, it was time to work with pen. After more work, retouching and drying, the final image was ready!

“Holier Than Thou”, Mixed media on bristol board, 11 x 14 inches
And here we have it – the finished product!
This will look good on the final book. Get your wallets ready and be sure to pledge to the Kickstarter on Jan. 5, 2018!