Hello, friends! Welcome back. I have quite a bit of news to share with all of you.
First, the Sunnyville Stories Super Special #2 Kickstarter had its third update recently. The Kickstarter itself is doing very well. We are nearly one-third of the way through and we are around 73% funding. If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to make a pledge today and to tell others about this campaign. The Kickstarter will NOT make its goal if we don’t hit 100% funding. On top of that, at least two stretch goals are planned; we can’t do those if we don’t meet our original goal in the first place.
I am not the only one doing a crowdfunding drive. Alterna Comics is holding one over on Indiegogo (another crowdfunding site) for an ambitious project called “AlternaWeen”. The AlternaWeen Indiegogo campaign is a unique concept. The object is to raise funds for a large print run of Alterna’s newsprint comics to give out as treats for the upcoming holiday, Halloween, as an alternative or supplement to the usual Halloween candy.
If you can spare the time and money, pledge to their campaign too and tell others about it.
Fall is now here and the month of September is drawing to a close. I have a lot planned for the upcoming month of October. I will continue work on the Kickstarter and on Sunnyville #18. To sharpen my drawing skills, I will be partaking in an annual challenge in October called Inktober.
I am on the fence about whether I’ll participate in 24 Hour Comics Day this year, set for October 6. I will make a final decision next week.
Also in October will be Valleycon here in the Fargo area. I will be selling at the convention so look for me there. That’s it for today!
Sign up for the mailing list if you haven’t already. Check out my webcomic Tiffany & Corey and also stop by Amazon to grab Sunnyville Stories trade paperbacks. Look for artwork & other neat stuff on my Etsy.
Are you interested in private commissions from me? Feedback or questions on my comics? Send them via email to maxwestart(at)gmail(dot)com or write to: