Welcome back, friends! Before I get to what I’m up to, I have to tell everyone about some neat Kickstarters running right now.
First, there is Charles Brubaker running his Kickstarter for the Fuzzy Princess Volume 1. At the time of this writing, he has passed the 50% funding mark and has 17 days left to make his goal of US$5000. If you haven’t done so already, please pledge to the Fuzzy Princess Kickstarter and tell others.
Also running is a Kickstarter by W.S. Quinton called 47 Furious Tails.
This looks like a very promising comics project with amazing art but it can’t succeed without help. Anyone who can spare the time should help to spread the word about this Kickstarter. If you are able to pledge, please do so!
As for myself, I am preparing for my first February convention. I am formulating my plans to sell new comics.
In addition to the Sunnyville Super Special #2 (funded by Kickstarter), I plan to sell the Dominic & Claire Funnies aggressively. I will discuss my plans to sell out that comic (1000 copies total were printed up).
Also next week, I plan to announce my next Kickstarter set to run in April. Stay tuned for more news!