Dominic and Claire Kickstarter Ends; What Next?

It has ended. Last night, the Dominic & Claire Fun-Size Kickstarter came to an end.

We made our goal! Actually, we exceeded the goal – we made a final total of $854!

So what is going to happen next? Well, obviously, I will wait for the funds to clear, finish the comic, get it printed and mail out the rewards…but that is NOT what this blog post is about. It is about the future of me, my comics and the possibilities of Kickstarter.

I’ve since dubbed Dominic & Claire Fun-Size as “the little Kickstarter that could”. I had some internal doubts after launching and especially when I got stuck at a few points without getting pledges for awhile. The goal I set was $800; many consider that easy and even to be pennies compared to the thousands or tens of thousands others seek to raise. But I came through in the end.

Already for 2020, I am planning more Kickstarters; there will be two at least and possibly even three. They will be for Dominic & Claire along with the new webcomic I am planning in 2020, Poison Ivy Gulch.

I not only succeeded with this Kickstarter but I raised a bigger amount than before. This proves I have the potential to raise more funding on the Kickstarter platform; I can fund more comics and possibly other items like graphic novels, trade paperbacks and much more. I chose the $800 amount as it was a test; if I could meet or beat that threshold, then crowdfunding in the thousands could be done!

A mini-series of Dominic & Claire comics will be done in 2020; it will either be two issues or three issues long. I haven’t made decisions on that or even a final title. I will work that out later.

I am unsure about the future of Sunnyville Stories itself either as I am working to generate income through crowdfunding and selling comics. That will be addressed another day once I give that more thought.

Stay tuned and make sure you subscribe to my mailing list for more news. I have more in store for Rusty and Dominic!

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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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