It’s been a month since I’ve last updated. As some of you know, I’ve just wrapped up my Kickstarter for Dominic & Claire Fun-Size. Another Kickstarter starring these Sunnyville spin-off characters is set for a late January 2020 release; the title is Dominic & Claire Circus. I will release more news on that later.
Just yesterday on Friday November 29, my webcomic Tiffany & Corey officially ended. I am planning another webcomic for early 2020. There will be more news on that too soon enough.
Besides Kickstarter, I am assembling an ambitious plan to produce and crowdfund a picture book in 2021. This will star Hilda & Richie, a pair of red foxes; tomorrow, that plan will be made public.
This now leads me to some bad news and that is concerning Sunnyville Stories itself. First, the comic book series is hereby going on hiatus. When Sunnyville #18 will start production – that is something I don’t know as my other Kickstarter work and my picture book plans are taking precedence. Personally speaking, I will have been working on Sunnyville Stories for ten years. I am wondering if I still have anything to say with Rusty, Sam and the Sunnyville crew. That is something I have to think over. While I am questioning the future of Sunnyville, I rather would not abandon my creation.
The second decision I arrived at? I am taking the three Sunnyville Stories trade paperbacks (volumes 1, 2 and 3) out of circulation. They will remain on Amazon Kindle for the forseeable future and I still have stock on hand. Once I sell off those copies, the books will NO LONGER be available. To be honest, I am wanting to do new books collecting the Sunnyville comics, either in the standard comic book size or digest size; I am even debating going back to redraw or at least retouch certain parts! Once I master crowdfunding, this will be a reality. But that won’t be for a while.
Since Dominic & Claire and my Hilda picture books are part of the Sunnyville universe, I will not be abandoning my work. I will be building on it. In fact, one of the Kickstarters I am planning for 2020 is a crossover which Hilda & Richie making a brief trip to Sunnyville.
Stay tuned here for more news and sign up for my mailing list too!